Tackling Justice40 and Beyond

Chesapeake Bay, MD

In January 2021, the White House enacted the Justice40 initiative, mandating that at least 40% of the benefits of certain federal investments flow to historically disadvantaged communities. These investments would be in one or more of the following seven areas: climate change, clean energy and energy efficiency, clean transit, affordable and sustainable housing, training and workforce development, remediation and reduction of legacy pollution, and development of critical clean water and wastewater infrastructure. The Maryland Department of the Environment’s Environmental Justice Screening tool can provide more information about the identified underserved and overburdened communities in Maryland.

MES is prepared to assist State agencies, counties, and local governments, along with non-profits, community-based organizations, and higher education institutions in their efforts to apply for funding to support environmental needs. We bring our unique understanding in:

  • Grant Discovery and Application
  • Stakeholder Coordination
  • Community Outreach
  • Grant Program Tracking/Data Management
  • Technical Review
  • Operational Logistics

In FY23 and FY24, MES supported the preparation, writing, and submission of grant applications totaling over 63M dollars, and provided letters of support for many others. The implementation of these projects embodies many of the core components of the Justice40 initiative, and the MES Mission and Vision. Some sample project topics and pursued opportunities are listed below as examples. To connect with our grant writing team, contact Quentin Miner.

Emissions and Pollution Reduction
  • US Environmental Protection Agency Diesel Emissions Reduction Act National Grants – Maryland Port Administration
  • US Environmental Protection Agency Climate Pollution Reduction Grant – Maryland Department of Environment; Baltimore – Columbia -Towson Metropolitan Statistical Area
  • US Environmental Protection Agency Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grant – Prince George’s County and University of Maryland
  • Climate Pollution Reduction Grant – Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Resilience Regional Challenge – University of Maryland, College Park
  • US Environmental Protection Agency Brownfield Multipurpose Grant – Baltimore City and the MD Department of General Services
  • US Department of Transportation Reconnection: Safe and Equitable Access to Community Resources – Baltimore City and the MD Department of General Services
  • Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Cross-Sector Technologies  – Johns Hopkins University
Environmental Restoration
  • Invasive Species Eradication Funding Opportunity, Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service – Maryland Port Administration, Maryland Transportation Authority.
Environmental Education and Workforce Development
  • Chesapeake Bay Trust Youth Environmental Education Grant Program – (AWARDED)
  • Climate Ready Workforce (NOAA and DOC) – Department of Natural Resources and MD Climate Ready Workforce Coalition
  • US Environmental Protection Agency Water Infrastructure Workforce Development Grant
    Renewable Energy
    • Solar For All – Maryland Clean Energy Administration (AWARDED)
    Stormwater and Water/Wastewater
    • Chesapeake Bay Trust Watershed Assistant Grant – Bowie State University (AWARDED)
    Grant Supported Projects
    • Dray Truck Replacement
      MES administers a grant through the Environmental Protection Agency’s Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) on behalf of the Maryland Port Administration to replace trucks coming in and out of the port and cargo handling equipment with new, cleaner trucks with lower emissions. These grants have allowed the replacement of 178 dray trucks and 34 units of cargo handling equipment since 2015. 
    • Masonville Cove Environmental Education Campus
      As a mitigation and enhancement for the Masonville Dredged Material Containment Facility the Maryland Port Administration partnered with local non-profits and the federal government to create the Masonville Cove Environmental Education Campus. MES has assisted MPA through technical, operational support, and stakeholder coordination to provide access to green space for the communities of Brooklyn, Cherry Hill, and Curtis Bay.
    • Masonville Cove Connector
      In response to the community need for walkable access within the community and to the Masonville Cove Environmental Education Campus, the Maryland Port Administration enlisted MES to coordinate with local community organizations, non-profits, federal agencies, and community members to apply and receive multi-million-dollar grants for design and implementation of walking paths within the South Baltimore communities of Cherry Hill and Brooklyn.
    • Darlington Water System
      The Darlington Water System, constructed in the 1950s, had long served the needs of the Darlington community. However, like any system, time and use took its toll and in the mid-1990s, the system desperately needed repairs and upgrades. Harford County approached MES about purchasing and improving the system to ensure Darlington residents would maintain a high level of water service. MES agreed to the purchase and, in 1998, began to retrofit the water system. The Maryland Department of the Environment funded the retrofit through a grant.