Biosolids benefit agriculture, the economy, and our environment. MES facilities beneficially reused approximately 60% of our biosolids, or 24,000 tons of material, in 2016.
After meeting the appropriate U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Maryland State standards, biosolids can be recycled and used as a fertilizer and soil amendment. Biosolids are rich in nitrogen and phosphorus and contain other micronutrients for plant growth.
Maryland Environmental Service Biosolid Management services include:
- Operational support and oversight services for wastewater plants
- Regulatory permitting assistance
- Compliance monitoring and reporting
- Long-term capital projects planning
- Preparing biosolids management plans and evaluation of solids handling, treatment, and end-use options
For more information, please contact Matt Lapinsky.
One unique MES biosolids project is a third-party, independent land application compliance inspection program that we conduct on behalf of the DC Water’s Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant and several of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission’s (WSSC) wastewater treatment plants. Our trained inspection staff ensures compliance with State and Federal regulations every day at each site where the material is being applied from Blue Plains and WSSC’s facilities. This inspection program emphasizes daily compliance inspections, recordkeeping/database management, and public outreach tasks for DC Water and WSSC.