MES has licensed engineers and surveyors who are capable of providing coordination and management of complex projects.
From the planning, feasibility, and permitting phase through engineering consultant design and development of procurement documents to procurement of construction services, and construction contract management, oversight, and inspection, MES can customize our services to fit the needs of our partners. MES also has project managers, equipment operators and labor staff to self-perform construction projects.
Engineering and survey services include:
- Topographic survey
- Hydrographic survey
- Construction stakeout and as-built survey
- Cut/Fill Volume and other engineering computations related to survey data
- Aerial survey and photography by unmanned aircraft system (drone)
- CAD drafting
- Multi-discipline engineering consultant management
- Multi-discipline construction contractor management
- Dredging projects (lake and channel)
- Regulatory permitting management and support
- Erosion and sediment control design, installation, and inspection
- Mitigation design and construction management
- Remediation design and construction management
- Demolition design and construction management
- Pier design, construction, and inspection management
- Building and infrastructure design and construction management
- Dredged material containment facility design, construction management, and operations support
- Multi-discipline design and construction contract procurement
- Self-performed construction services including dike building, site mitigation, living shoreline creation and planting, tidal and non-tidal wetland creation and planting, stormwater facilities
For more information, please contact Marni Dolinar.
MES supported the client with planning, permitting, design and construction of Phase I of the Masonville Dredged Material Containment Facility, a 140-acre facility constructed in the Patapsco River on the south side of Baltimore City. The design and construction managed by MES included dredging of material, placement of dredged material for dike building, installation of spillways and discharge pipe systems, and leachate liner. Currently, MES operates the site for MDOT MPA and is working on the next phase of dike raising to create more capacity, including managing design consultants, permitting, material supply and hauling contracts, and self-performing dike construction.