Landfill Gas
Landfill gas is created by the decomposition of waste buried in landfills. The composition of landfill gas typically is about 50% methane, 50% carbon dioxide, and less than 1% sulfides. However, sulfides are the source of the “rotting” smell often noticed near landfills and can cause unpleasant odors even at very low concentrations.
Odors can be destroyed by collecting and flaring the landfill gas. In addition to minimizing odors, burning the gas helps reduce harmful emissions to the atmosphere. MES team members have the capacity to perform daily inspections of flares to ensure they are performing properly.
Because of the operational nature of landfills, the products they receive, and weather variations, it is virtually impossible to eliminate all odors. However, MES does everything possible to mitigate odors. We are available to respond to odor complaints 24 hours a day.
If you experience odors at your home that you think are related to the Midshore landfills, please contact us at 410-634-9304 during normal business hours and at 800-669-7080 after hours, and a representative from MES will contact you to assist with your concerns.
Leachate Control
MES can provide a system to collect rain and runoff water that percolates through a landfill as well as treat the leachate.
To make sure our systems work properly and to protect residents, we also provide free well-sampling for residents near the landfill.
For more information about either of these services, please contact Tim Ford.
The Brown Station Road Leachate Pretreatment Facility treated over 8.2 million gallons of leachate material in 2017, up 41% from the previous year, with operating costs coming in well under what had been budgeted. MES’ work at this facility saved our partner, Prince George’s County, more than $400,000 in 2017.