Located in Dickerson, MD, the Montgomery County Yard Trim Composting Facility (MCYTCF) has been in operation since 1983. The facility processes about 77,000 tons of material every year.
The Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection contracts Maryland Environmental Service to operate the Montgomery County Yard Trim Compost Facility (MCYTCF) and Montgomery County Grinding Operation (MCGO). MES has worked with Montgomery County to operate both facilities since 1983.
Facility Operations
The Montgomery County Yard Trim Composting Facility receives material from all over the county, including from single-family homes, multi-family complexes, and commercial businesses. Residents can participate through the weekly yard trim collection service or can bring their yard trim directly to the Montgomery County Grinding Operation (MCGO), located within the Shady Grove Solid Waste Transfer Station Complex in Derwood, MD.
The yard trim is shredded and transported to the MCYTCF, where the material is placed in windrows (long lines of composted material raked together for drying). The windrows are monitored and turned regularly to ensure the proper balance of airflow, temperature, and moisture of the compost. After 9-12 months, the compost is screened to ensure undesirable objects are removed. The remaining product, Leafgro®, is a soil amendment useful for both home and commercial use. Leafgro® is available in both bulk and bags at a number of retailers in Maryland and surrounding states.
Recent Facility Updates
In November 2019, an electronic screening machine was installed at the MCYTCF, replacing two diesel-powered screeners with one electronic system. The installation of this new machine has allowed for higher-quality screening efficiency and reduced diesel consumption.
Leafgro® In the News
Leafgro® was recently mentioned on WBALTV’s “Sunday Gardner!” The piece focused on the work Valley View Farms Garden Center & Nursery is doing with Dumbarton Middle School to create a space for pollinators and outdoor learning. It’s great to see Leafgro® soil conditioner being used in this project to help nourish the young plants as they grow!
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